How to get the documents that are necessary to work for Bolt taxi?
To receive the necessary licenses to work at Bolt taxi platform via MTR(Majandustegevuse register) website, follow these steps:
1. Enter MTR website:
-Go to MTR website
-Enter the web portal. To do that, you need Estonian ID-card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID.
2. Receive the driver’s service card (Teenindajakaart):
-After you login at the website, choose the page of the transport services.
-Find an application form for the driver’s service card (Teenindajakaart).
-Fill in the form specifying all the necessary information.
-Pay the stamp duty of 38 euro. IMPORTANT! Every local government has its own personal bank account details.
-Confirm the application. The card is issued in electronic form and it has no expiration date.
3. Receive the motor-vehicle taxi license (Sõidukikaart):
-At the same webpage, select the application for the motor-vehicle taxi licence (Sõidukikaart).
-Complete all the necessary fields with your vehicle data.
-Pay the stamp duty of 20 euro. IMPORTANT! Every local government has its own personal bank account details. Confirm your application.
The license is also issued in electronic form.
4. Waiting period and receiving the licenses:
After the applications have been submitted, please, wait till they are processed. That usually takes several working days.
The licenses will be available in electronic form in your MTR website account.
5. Assistance and support:
If you need assistance at any stage of the process, please, apply for support of AlfaTaxi that can help you to receive all the necessary documents.
These steps will allow you to start working officially at a Bolt taxi platform.